Super mario sunshine easy way to get yoshi to island
Super mario sunshine easy way to get yoshi to island

super mario sunshine easy way to get yoshi to island

However, every other run I recorded broke that limit. I've recorded several runs, and I gave myself an allowance of 5 deaths.

super mario sunshine easy way to get yoshi to island

Also, if Yoshi even touches water, he will disappear immediately.The thing that amazes me most about this entire run is that I did not die a single time.

super mario sunshine easy way to get yoshi to island

If he runs out of juice, he will disappear and return to his egg, so if you are taking him on a long journey, pick up some fruit along the way. Different color juices make different types of platforms. Finally, Yoshi's Juice can transform certain enemies into platforms that you can then jump across. Yoshi’s Juice can also be used to get rid of the orange zigzags that block certain entrances. Yoshi’s Juice can act just like Mario’s Squirt Nozzle to knock things down. You can also spray his juice with the R Button to do a few things. This meter is constantly dwindling, limiting the amount of time you can ride Yoshi. When you hatch Yoshi, he starts with a full gauge of juice from whatever fruit you gave him. This move can also be used to eat fruit, changing Yoshi’s color and refilling his life (juice) meter. For one, he can shoot out his tongue with the B Button and use that to eat any enemy in the game. Yoshi has a couple abilities that Mario does not. In the air, you can use the A Button to hover as if you had the Hover Nozzle, except Yoshi actually gains elevation while hovering, making it possible to reach all sorts of places. He jumps with the A Button, and can do a mid-air ground pound with the L Button. Controlling Yoshi is much like controlling Mario. Once you hatch Yoshi, you can ride him by jumping onto him.

Super mario sunshine easy way to get yoshi to island